Texo 65 pc Set – Guidecraft G9500

Texo 65 pc Set - Guidecraft G9500
Check Price for Texo 65 pc Set - Guidecraft G9500

GuideCraft Kids Toys – Texo 65 pc Set – Guidecraft G9500 TexoTM is the award-winning 3 dimensional design and construction system by architect, author and designer Lester Walker. The beauty of TexoTM is the variety of building systems found within one toy: simple puzzles, shape sorting and color matching at its most basic level, the system allows for a gradual progression to stacking the interconnected shapes and on to advanced architectural models such as bridges, houses, skyscrapers and more! Solid wood rods and planks coupled with the geometric precision of molded plastic connectors enhance the design and construction potential. Also included is a deluxe Activity Guide with how-to?s, commentary and step-by-step instructions on maximizing the potential of TexoTM. Ages 3+.. We have a great selection of Kids / Teens Furniture, Kids Toys from several brands including GuideCraft.

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